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Max and Ruby

Max and Ruby

Max and Ruby has been everyone’s favorite show till the last episode aired in 2019, and many children watch it on Youtube even now!

It is a show about two siblings who live alone and spend their life by themselves. Ruby is elder than Max, who is bossy and teaches Max about different matters in daily life. While Max does not speak, he also tries to communicate his concerns and suggestions to Ruby regarding various issues.

If you are wondering why they live alone or why Max does not speak, here’s everything to know about Max and Ruby that you have been looking for.


The animated series Max and Ruby was aired in Canada on 3 May 2002. It is based on a series of books by Rosemary Wells. Wells said that the characters are based on their children when they were aged 3 and 7. The show ran for 7 seasons with 130 episodes. After running for around 18 years, the series ended on 9 April 2020, when the last episode aired.


Max and Ruby are siblings who live alone. Ruby is her elder sister of Max. She is seven years old, while Max is three years old. Ruby and Max are seen to have a natural brother-sister bond. Ruby acts as a typical big sister, always trying to get Max out of trouble. On the other hand, Max is the younger one, always involved in one or the other mischief. They go on adventures and make a great team together!


The series is set in the 1940s and 1950s, where they live in a fictional town named Eastbunny Hop. It is highly populated with bunnies and other creatures. However, their parents or any other family members are not seen much. If you want to know why keep reading.


Though Max and Ruby are siblings, their personalities are quite different from each other. It may be due to their responsibilities and the circumstances they have faced.

Ruby is the elder one, with around 4 years of age difference from her brother. She is the protective older sister who always looks out for her brother. She makes sure to keep Max safe. Ruby is a goal-oriented and patient big sister. Yet, sometimes you may see her being bossy and restrictive to Max to save him from harm. Being the elder sibling who has to ensure everything goes right, Ruby wants everything perfect and is thought to have OCD.

Read more: Cake recipe in Max and Ruby

Max and Ruby Cakes

Alternatively, Max is the mischievous, careless younger brother who goes about his adventures. However, he is also sometimes seen to observe situations better and give his input to making decisions which Ruby does not appreciate much. She probably thinks he is too young to know what’s right. Max does not talk much in the initial episodes of the series, which makes people wonder if he might be mute. Though, in season 6, Max is seen to attend preschool and speak longer sentences. The delay in Max’s development and speaking may be due to Autism.


Max and Ruby’s parents are not visible in the first few episodes while they are present in a family photo. It made the audience think if their parents are no more, or they are away from the house for an unreal period. Surprisingly, the parents are featured in the future episodes. The series also shows their grandmother, Grandma Bunny, who visits them sometimes. Grandma is the paternal grandmother to Max and Ruby. Unlike Ruby, she appreciates Max’s ideas and contribution more.


The story revolves around Max and Ruby going around with their life. Each episode exhibits a day or an event in their life. As both the siblings have a distinct nature, they always want a different thing. Yet, eventually, they find a mutual solution to the situation towards the end.

Other Characters

Besides Max, Ruby, and Grandma Bunny, some other characters appear on the screen frequently. Let’s tell you all about each character.

Huffington Family

Mr. Huffington is a photographer and a clown, whereas Mrs. Huffington is a Bunny Scout Leader. She is also a Baton twirler and cheerleader who taught Louise and Ruby how to twirl. They both have a son called Baby Huffington “Baby H.” Ruby usually babysits him, and Max tags them along. Contrary to Ruby’s belief, Baby H likes noise, and Max helps make him sleep by the Huffington’s Cuckoo Clock. He also likes robots, space rockets, and Super Bunny.

Piazza Family

The Piazza family consists of Mr. Piazza and Roger Piazza. Mr. Piazza runs the local market in the town and has significant knowledge of Italian culture and cuisine. Roger is Mr. Piazza’s son. He is a little older than Ruby and her friends. He is quite athletic, and the girls adore him. Roger often helps out his father at the store. Roger sometimes helps Ruby keep Max away from her while working on a project with her friends.

Ruby’s Friends

Louise: Louise is Roby’s best friend and is the same age as her. Though they look similar, Louise is slightly taller than Ruby. She and Ruby view things in a girlish, romanticized way and love to attend parties. Louise always has Ruby’s back and tries to help her despite being unsure herself. Louise has a younger 2-year-old brother named Morris, who plays the role of Max’s sidekick in some episodes. She sometimes reacts to Max’s tantrums and childish antics the same way as Ruby, saying, “Little Brothers!”

Valerie: Valerie is another of Ruby’s friends. She is shorter than other girls and usually wears a red and gold dress and glasses. Valerie is a part of the Bunny Scouts and is skilled at playing the recorder.

Martha: Martha is the bunny with eyelashes that you may not see in other bunnies. She is a part of the Bunny Scouts Troop.

Super Bunny

Super Bunny is Max’s favorite Superhero. It is a parody of Superman with similar superpowers. Max loves Super Bunny and wants to meet him at the local mall when Ruby goes to buy a pair of new shoes. Super Bunny helps Max save Ruby from a tumbling shoebox stack. Max has all Super Bunny accessories, including the Super Bunny comic book and pajamas. He also often listens to the Super Bunny radio program.

Other Recurring Characters in the Series

  • Grace and Oliver (Max and Ruby’s twin siblings)
  • Aunt Claire and Uncle Nate (Max and Ruby’s great aunt and uncle)
  • Bunny Scout Leader
  • Candi (Owns a candy shop)
  • Rosalinda (Owns a gift shop)
  • Katie (Waitress at the diner)
  • Ms. Bunty (Max’s preschool teacher)
  • Lilly, Priya, Winston (Max’s classmates)
  • Mr. Estevez (Ruby’s new teacher)
  • Antonio (Ruby’s classmate)
  • Bunny Drew (Ruby’s favorite fictional detective)
  • Wind-up Lobster (A wind-up toy; often causes trouble)

Coming to the most-Asked Question, Where were Max and Ruby’s Parents?

While the show does not give any insight about their whereabouts in the initial seasons, creator Rosemary Wells mentioned To NickJr, “We don’t see Max and Ruby’s parents because I believe that kids resolve their issues and conflicts differently when they are on their own.”

Max and Ruby

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