If there’s one thing that’s more intimidating than being pregnant at the height of summer, it‘s tackling your first summer months with a baby. After all, keeping your baby safe is always your top priority, and summertime adds the added threat of extreme heat. What’s a parent to do?
Fortunately, a summer spent with a baby by your side isn’t impossible—plenty of parents survive it each year! You’ll just need to invest in the right products and make your plans with both your little one and the heat in mind.
Choose the Right Products
As a parent, you undoubtedly have more baby products than you could have imagined. How many of those are meant for keeping your baby safe and cool through summer? Baby sunglasses, for instance, are an item that some might assume is a frivolous, albeit cute, accessory. However, your baby’s eyes need UVA and UVB protection, too, just like you do! A pair of baby sunglasses can protect their little eyes, and you’ll even find models with a strap to keep them secured on your toddler. The same is true of summer essentials like sunscreen—that baby-friendly SPF is an absolute must-have!
Make Plans with the Weather in Mind
With sunglasses on and sunscreen applied, you and your infant are ready to hit the town. Even with these precautions, though, you must plan accordingly. For example, if you’re spending part of your day at a local park, make sure you do so in cooler parts of the day. You’ll have plenty of sunlight into the evening, so there’s no rush! If a day will be especially hot, you might choose to stay indoors, cool off at a pool, or do another appropriate activity, like seeing a movie in a cool, dark theater. This might call for some flexibility and changing plans to accommodate the forecast. That’s okay—what matters most is keeping you and your little one safe.
Dress Both Baby and Yourself Appropriately
Sunglasses and SPF aren‘t the only accessories you should grab before heading out with your baby this summer. Other summer-ready baby products include swim diapers for the pool or beach, lightweight onesies or outfits to prevent your baby from overheating, and a hat to protect your baby’s head and give their eyes a little extra UV protection. Of course, it’s important that you’re safe and cool, too—be sure to dress in light clothing and add your own accessories (sunnies included!) to provide UV protection, help regulate your temperature, and otherwise keep you comfortable and at your best while out with your little one.

Leave Plenty of Time for Breaks
In the heat of the summer months, it’s natural for both you and your baby to get tired more easily. With this in mind, it’s important now more than ever to avoid planning too much in a day. Leave space in between activities for frequent breaks, whether that’s cooling off indoors, sitting in the shade, or taking a nap to regenerate a bit more energy. These moments can refresh you and your child and help you enjoy the other things you have scheduled, if only because you’re a little less tired and cranky when you go to do so.
Facing the height of summer heat with a newborn baby can seem intimidating, especially if this is your first infant. Nevertheless, it’s completely doable with the right products and a bit of planning. Stock up on sunscreen, sunglasses, and other essentials for both you and your baby and make plans with the weather and timing in mind. With space for breaks, outfits to help you stay cool, and some summertime must-haves, you’ll have a recipe for summer fun!