Did you know within the last 150 years, the divorce rate has steadily declined?
While this is a good thing, divorces are still pretty common in our society. Getting a divorce from your spouse can be emotionally traumatic and cause changes in physical health, grief, depression, confusion, mental strain, and more. Not to mention the children, who are sometimes collateral damage in the divorce.
So why do people get divorced?
While there could be a hundred reasons for a couple deciding to end their marriage, there are several leading causes of divorce that are more common than others. If you are wondering what are the reasons for divorce and how to avoid them, this short and simple guide is for you.
An Extramarital Affair
One cause of divorce is having an extramarital affair. This can be a physical affair or an emotional affair.
Infidelity is a big betrayal, one of the biggest a marriage can face. Whether it’s a one-night stand or multiple offenses, the destruction of trust can end a marriage.
Insurmountable Money Problems
A major reason for divorce is insurmountable money problems. Differences in how you save and spend can cause stress, and that stress can lead to the dissolution of your marriage. Added to that, women are now out-earning their spouses, which can cause a host of problems.
Too much Conflict and Arguing
One reason couples get divorced is too much conflict and arguing. If you spend most of your time disagreeing and arguing your side, it breaks down the trust and shared connection between the couple. Conflict can cause a war zone in the home until one or both of the spouses file for divorce.
Physical and Emotional Abuse
A more serious reason couples divorce is physical and emotional abuse. This abuse could be directed at a spouse, a sibling, an elderly family member, or a child
Whether physical or emotional, abuse can lead to problems forming relationships, low self-esteem, depression, and more. Often, ending the marriage is the only way to stop the abuse.
Poor Communication

One of the main divorce causes is poor communication. Unhealthy communication is a discrepancy between what’s heard and what’s said. This leads to unmet needs and expectations, relational breakdowns, arguments, and more. In most cases, poor communication can lead to the end of a marriage
If you need help with your communication problem in a marriage, visit this link today.
The Leading Causes of Divorce: This is why Marriages Don’t Work Out
Several leading causes of divorce can determine if your marriage will succeed or not.
If you want your marriage to stay together, work on being the best partner to your spouse. This includes being honest about money, being aware of your deal-breakers, learning how to communicate, and focusing on the marriage you want. Whether physical or emotional, abuse can lead to problems forming relationships, low self-esteem, depression, and more. Often, ending the marriage is the only way to stop the abuse.
If you want to avoid the reasons people get divorced, this is how you do it.