If you want to grow your organisation, you will have to hire the best candidates. Hiring the best talent is not as easy as posting a job description on a portal. To be honest, talent is rare and this is why it is extremely hard to find it. Further, if you are lucky that you get talented people in your organisation, retaining them is equally hard because they are ambitious and want growth.
Many entrepreneurs and recruiters say that hiring is very complicated and tedious. It costs a small fortune to the organisation because it is taking more time than expected, but sometimes you fail to pick up the race because your approach is not right. The problem starts when openings are filled by hiring from the outside instead of promoting from within.
Organisations prefer hiring talented candidates from outside, according to sources, because they do not have to spend on training. Further, when you hire people from outside, they have experience in that field. Experienced candidates can contribute to your organisation right away and this is why you can save money and time on training. However, it is hard to find the best people. Another reason why retaining the best talent is hard is they want career advancement. Lack of internal promotion to fill vacancies is one of the significant reasons for losing best candidates to other organisations.
If you have a start-up, you will have to be more careful with picking the best candidates. Since your organisation is at its inception, you cannot bear the risk of losing the best candidates. Of course, you can ask your friends and family for referrals, but try to post jobs on your website and portals. If you do not have money to meet the cost of positing job description on portals, you can take out 1,000 pound loans. Here is what you need to do to hire the best candidates.
Put Realistic Requirements
The first step is to hire the best candidates for your organisation is doing a job analysis. You must have information about duties, responsibilities, and necessary skills. When you post a job description on your website or portal, make sure that you mention everything from what you are looking for to what you can offer.
Finding candidates that meet the whole hiring criteria is very challenging because some of the organisations do not want to maintain transparency. For instance, some organisations openly invite candidates to fill out the form through their websites so they could consider their applications next time when an opening is made.
A simple and straightway rule says that you should simply release details about a vacancy when it is open. Otherwise, candidates will not take you seriously. Another example is employers consider recruiters to shortlist candidates based on a binary selection process and hand them over to the HR managers for rest process in order to trim down the cost of recruitment.
Look for Commitment in Employees
It is crucial that people you are hiring for your organisation are committed to their profession. Hiring is expensive and time consuming. It is not easy to open vacancies for a very long time. Some of the entrepreneurs make a biased decision at the time of hiring people. Most of the organisations have the policy of putting the onborading staff under probation period so they could throw them out if their performance is not up to the par.

This is a nice way, but it does not mean that you will hire candidates even if you are not sure about their potential. Good employees are those who have an aim in their life, who want to achieve and who want to do something. If you hire candidates who switch jobs frequently, you will end up bearing a small fortune. Make sure that the candidates you hire for your organisation are committed to their career.
They are motivated and have passion to do something, to achieve something. Go through their resume. If you notice that they are switching jobs, you should think a bit more while hiring them.
Vet them Appropriately
Getting talented candidates for your organisation is not that easy. Identifying skills and relevant experience and degree is not enough to ensure that the candidate is committed, loyal and worth hiring. Behaviour should be the top priority. It is not surprising that people you hire do not fit your team or work culture.
Behavioural aspects are essential to consider, and at the same time, that they fit the environment your company provides. For instance, a sales executive has the art to persuade people to buy your product but they are impatient. It can be hazardous for the growth of your organisation.
At the time of hiring candidates, make sure that you conduct interviews in a way that allows you get an insight into their skills as well as behaviour. A thorough investigation will also let you know about what they not good at. You all know that their resumes will have a mention of their qualities and skills, but not of their incapability.
Ask them what they are not good at. You know that even the most talented candidate cannot be good at everything. Such questions will help you understand their professional expectations and if they could fit your organisation.
Hiring the right candidate is not as easy as you think. The right candidate is one who have skills and commitment. Recruitment can take a long time and cost you an arm and a leg. Therefore, you should try to make all possible efforts to hire talented people. If you recklessly make a decision, you will end up firing people. Poor retention rate will have a negative impact on other employees too. So, try to bear aforementioned tips in your mind.